Jon Moorlag

Role: Media Consultant

Market: St. Cloud

Year Joined LM: 2023

Jon Moorlag

Why Leighton Media:

I enjoy opportunities to help businesses grow, which is Leighton's Goal! I like how everyone I talk to really enjoys working for/with Leighton and how willingly everyone works together.

Most Memorable LB Career Moment:

I have enjoyed getting to know the team and have really enjoyed how friendly and welcoming everyone has been.

Personal Motto:

Take one ladder rung at a time, do not focus on the past or future.

Favorite Song of All-Time and Why:

"Get Down" by Audio Adrenaline: It's a great reminder that you can't take life on by yourself.

Desert Island Album:

Hard one to narrow down. I would probably have a mix of artists. My genre in music is all over the map.

Leighton Media team

Kick off the Connection

Solid relationships with our clients are the foundation of our success.