Peggy Besser

Role: Sales & Marketing Coordinator

Market: St. Cloud

Year Joined LM: 2020

Peggy Besser

Why Leighton Media:

I chose Leighton Media because they are a local, family owned company. In addition, I wanted to take part in supporting our community. Leighton Media and this position are are great way for me to achieve this.

Most Memorable LM Career Moment:

During my first two weeks there was limited staff because of COVID-19, so it was a unique approach to learning the ropes.

Personal Motto:

Work smarter, not harder.

Favorite Song of All-time and Why:

AC/DC – You Shook Me All Night Long. It’s such an upbeat song, how can you not be in a good mood after listening to it?!

Desert Island Album:

Elton John - Yellow Brick Road.


Kick off the Connection

Solid relationships with our clients are the foundation of our success.