Carri Folk

Role: General Sales Manager

Market: Detroit Lakes

Year Joined LM: 2024

Carri Folk


I graduated from Christian Brothers University in Memphis with a business and finance degree. While working in finance, I heard a radio commercial about becoming an account executive and decided to take a leap into the work of radio!

Throughout my time in the industry, I've held the positions of: Account Executive, General Sales Manager and Market President.

Why you love your work:

I love watching our client's business grow: building relationships and being a partner with them. As a Sales Manager, it's exciting to see the first time a new team member understands what we are striving for.

Personal motto:

"Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply." - Steve Covey

Favorite song of all-time & why:

I don't know if it's possible to have just one favorite song! However, whenever I hear "Can't Stop the Feeling" by Justin Timberlake or "Happy" by Pharrell Williams I turn it up (...and if no one is around, dance)!


Kick off the Connection

Solid relationships with our clients are the foundation of our success.