Brian Sines

Role: General Manager

Market: Winona

Year Joined LM: 2023

Brian Sines


I got into media 43 years ago when I dropped a needle on a turntable (yes, I'm that old) and opened a mic for the first time, all thanks to a guy named Al Leighton who gave me my first job. He also gave me my first management opportunity and taught me so much about how to be a great broadcaster. My career has taken me all around the country from Iowa, Wisconsin, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and now Minnesota. I never dreamed as a 17 year old dropping that needle for the first time how fortunate I would be to work with some amazing individuals and companies. I am super excited to be back with the Leighton team and to continue this amazing ride. It's cliche, but it's true, if you love your job you will never work a day. 

Why you love your work:

I love the way radio can connect with people and communities. There are few jobs where you can truly get involved and make things better. Radio, unlike any other medium, makes personal connections. Super serve the community is a lesson I learned from Al Leighton. No one understood the importance that radio can do in giving back better than he did.  

Personal Motto:

There may be people with more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do. 

Favorite Song of All-time and Why:

Let It Be. Paul wrote it during one of the darkest times of his life, when The Beatles were breaking up. He had a dream that featured a visit from his late mother (Mother Mary) who told him to let it be. I think it's great advice to remember when you are feeling low, someone has let you down, or you are angry. Just...Let It Be. 


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